Good Sleep Is The Foundation Of Health & Wellbeing

When you are lying down, ideal posture can only be achieved when the 33 bones in your spinal column are perfectly aligned. Correct posture is the key to a good night's sleep.

Correct Posture Is The Key To A Good Night's Sleep

Whether you sleep on your front, back or side, the most important thing to consider when buying your mattress is the support it gives your body. If the mattress is too soft or too firm for your weight your spine will not be correctly aligned. The Herdysleep mattress is medium to firm, which suits most people.

Try It Yourself

Make sure it's the right fit

If you prefer to try a Herdysleep mattress before you buy, visit the Herdy shop in Kendal or try it at the comfort of your home with our 100 nights trial.
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